Wednesday, December 18, 2013

. . . And so it begins

. . . And so it begins.  I am reticent to begin such an exercise.  I’ve never in my life kept a diary or journal of any sort and have resisted every suggestion that I do so.  I don’t even like the term “blog” as it suggests to me some ill-prepared artless form of communication. 

. . . But there is that tug I feel to share thoughts on our faith and this may well be the most efficient means of doing that.

. . . Then again, once I get started . . .

. . . God help me.

This is the plan:

I will make daily entries on a variety of matters looking through the lens of our Catholic faith.  For instance, Vatican, diocese and parish issues that are being discussed or should be discussed; issues and events that should be considered within the framework of Catholic social teaching; the challenges and concerns facing the Catholic family; the Sunday liturgy as it relates to our daily lives.

Fortunately for me and my reader, these writings will not be about me.  They will, however, be about the world that I witness, as filtered through my faith and biases; those of which I am aware and those to which I am blind.  For this I make no apology but I do ask for patience and mercy from my reader.  Perhaps we will find our paths cross more than once on our journeys of faith.
Beginning the first of the year - 2014 - the posts will begin and they will end . . .